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  1. Mike
    August 26, 2024 @ 1:47 pm

    In addition to the above, I believe it may not always have something to do with 'waking up'.

    My Epson ET-5800 is connected thru USB. The following happened more than once…

    1. PC boot, 2. Epson powered on (both 1st time of the day), 3. Epson starts printing immediately (i.e. without a print job), 4. Paper jam (1st page) 5. Open printer lid, pull out paper.
    At the top it said "GET/eSCL/ScannerStatus/HTTP/1.1. Host…" etc.
    USB connected printer…!?

    Changed from USB to WiFi.
    For some time things went fine, then all of a sudden no communication with Windows.
    Trying to establish connection takes time and in my case usually fruitless.

    Change back to USB then.

    Windows 10 x64 is up to date, drivers re-installed (no new drivers available).
    Things may go fine for weeks, then the whole show starts again.

    Contacted Epson – bottom line there is no solution.
    I have to live with it that I need to change between USB and WiFi and back at regular intervals.

    It seems to me that the 'communication' between Windows and the Epson printers tend to be a bit 'weak'.
    I had similar issues with another type of Epson printer that I owned before: switching back and forth between USB and WiFi and re-installing existing drives.
    (Though no 'GET/eSCL/ScannerStatus' errors. Just there was no communication, for whatever vague reason)

    Just my 2 cts


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